Beskuitjie fudge

Beskuitjie fudge


1 x 200g marie beskuitjies/tennis beskuitjies in stukkies gebreek

1 x 250g margarien

1 eier

Sif saam:

75ml kakao

500g versiersuiker

1 handvol amandels

1 dop Kahlua


Smelt margarien. Voeg kakao en versiersuiker by. Roer. Klits eier baie vinnig by. Haal van stoof af. Roer Kahlua by. Voeg koekies en amandels by. Laat stol ‘n rukkie in yskas. Rol in rolletjies waspapier. Laat stol. Sny in skyfies en bedien saam met koffie. Hou in yskas.

Black pepper oil

Oil properties

It is a strong and sharp spicy smelling oil and is faintly reminiscent of clove oil, yet more refined. It can range in color from light amber to yellow-green and has a watery viscosity.

Origin of black pepper oil

The plant originated from India, Malaysia, Madagascar, China and Indonesia and the oil is mostly made in Singapore, India and Malaysia.

The plant

The plant is originally a forest plant and this climbing woody vine uses trees or other supports to grow to about twenty feet high, but is normally kept to about 12 feet for commercial purposes and has a lifespan of about twenty years.

The word pepper is derived from the Latin word piper, which in turn is taken from the Sanskrit word pippali.

It has been used since the times of the Ancient Romans and Greeks. Even the Turks levied a tax on pepper, while the French, Portuguese and Dutch often went to war in the middle ages to fight for this lucrative trade from the far east.

Fungal infections, fatigue, arthritis, digestive problems. muscle and nerve pain, toothache, sprains

Bergamot oil

Acne, boils, cold sores, eczema, insect repellent insect bits, oil complexion, psoriasis, scabies, spots, varicose ulcers, wounds. Halitosus, mouth infections. sore throat, tonsillitis. Flatulence, loss of appetite, Cystitis, leucorrhoea, pruritis. Colds fever, flu, infectious diseases. anxiety, depression & stress

Benzoin oil

Cuts, chapped skin, inflamed and irritated conditions. Arthritis, gout, poor circulation, rheumatism. Asthma, bronchitis, chills colic, laryngitis. Flu nervous tension, stress related complaints. It warms the heart and tones the circulation.

Frank Opperman

Frank Opperman – Die Klaagliedere van ds. Tienie Benadie

Frank Opperman copy

Die Klaaglierdere van ds. Tienie Benadie vertel die storie van ’n middeljarige predikant van ’n sukkelende Afrikaanse gemeente. Die gemeente se lot is dieselfde as die van baie ander gemeentes: die lidmaatgetalle kwyn, die gemeente se skuldlas groei en die gemeentelede wat steeds tot die kerk behoort, is onseker hoe om sinvol in ’n moderne wêreld te bly glo. Dis ’n storie van verdriet, maar ook ’n storie van die hoop wat nie beskaam nie.


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