Crépes with Orange Sauce

Crépes with Orange Sauce

12 pancakes prepared with Golden cloud Pancake mix.

Orange Sauce:
100 g sugar
5 ml orange zest
5 ml lemon zest
225 ml fresh orange
100 g butter
20 ml corn flour
25 ml brandy
Orange or cumquat slices to serve

Prepare pancakes according to the instructions on the pack. Fold each pancake into quarters and arrange
on an oven proof platter.

For sauce: Mix ingredients together and microwave on 100% power for 1.5 to 2 minutes on high until mixture has thickened. Stir every 30 seconds. Drizzle sauce over pancakes, top with orange or
cumquat slices. Cover with foil and keep warm in a preheated oven at 120 °C until needed. Remove dessert from oven. Warm brandy for a few seconds, but do not boil. Pour over pancakes and
ignite. Leave until the flames subside and serve immediately.


This recipe is similar to Crepes Suzette; the sauce for this version can be made ahead of time and heated just before serving. Pour heated brandy over and ignite in front of your guests!

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